Extended scratches and clicks are encountered on many audio media - film, tape or disk, whether analogue or digital. It may not be possible to restore these using real-time declickers because the disturbances are too long for the algorithms to handle, but the maximum click length handled by Manual Declick is huge: 2,048 samples at 44.1kHz, or 4,096 samples at 96kHz. This makes it ideal for restoring audio that suffers from problems for which streamed processes are less than ideal. It allows users to specify the audio that constitutes the unwanted noise, and the algorithm - optimised for long clicks and scratches - will remove noises such as those found on optical soundtracks, as well as drop-outs and extended digital errors. Simply mark the offending signal, and Manual Declick will eliminate the problem. Two processing modes are available:
Removing impulse noises
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